Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (Department of the National Trade Measurement and Standards)

The Department of the National Trade Measurement and Standards is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Trade Standards and Quality Control Act 1992 and its functions include the following:

  1. Prepare, frame, modify, or amend standard specifications for quality of commodities, processes, practices and services imported into, produced or provided in, or exported from Fiji
  2. Promote research in relation to standards
  3. Provide for the examination and testing of commodities, processes, and practices, and for those purposes may either establish such laboratories and other facilities or arrange with such laboratories as may be necessary
  4. Approve the use of standards mark for products and commodities or services complying with Fiji Standards
  5. Undertake educational work and promotion in connection with standardization and quality control
  6. Collect and disseminate information relating to standards and related matters, including the publication of reports, pamphlets, booklets, journals, and any other publications
  7. Maintain a library and publish and print documents including standards
  8. Provide technical advice and assistance in standards and quality control matters; and
  9. To undertake such other functions as the Minister may direct it to administer or discharge.

The Department maintains the national system of units and standards of measurement on physical quantities to provide for the fair and just use of units of measurement, standards, measuring instruments and pre-packed articles. The Department offers a wide range of services.

The Department of National Trade Measurement & Standards has affiliations/membership with the following international organizations:

  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • International Electrochemical Commission (IEC)
  • Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC)
  • International Organization for Legal Metrology (OIML)
  • National Measurement Institute (NMI)
  • Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)

Fiji Trade Standards Unit signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Standards Australia International in 1998, which gave Fiji a platform from which it approached standardization issues. The MoU gave the Unit the opportunity to adopt and modify Australian Standards as Fiji Standards. This site is maintained and administered by Standards Australia on behalf of the Department of National Trade Measurement & Standards.

Fiji Standards consist of a cover page and the International or other National Standard from another source. The cover page includes the modifications to the Standard from the other source.