This Standard sets out procedures for determining design wind speeds and wind loads to be used in structural design of all buildings and components of buildings, bridges (minimum design wind speed only), and other structures subjected to wind. Major offshore structures remote from the coast and transmission lines are not covered, nor are the effects of tornadoes which are special-event winds. The design wind loads for structures containing high risk contaminants, such as some nuclear or biological materials is considered outside the scope of this Standard. This Standard does not attempt to account for possible future climatic changes.
This Standard applies to structures, other than bridges, designed to Australian Standards using both limit state and permissible stress design rules.
Sets out requirements for establishing the minimum wind loads in structural design, and is in a limit states format. It provides a simplified procedure for the determination of wind loads on a limited range of small structures and buildings, and a detailed procedure on a wide range of structures. Windspeeds are specified for the serviceability and ultimate strength/stability limit states, and for permissible stress design. Explanatory material is given in the appendices
Amendment No. 1 to AS 1170.2-1989
Amendment No. 2 to AS 1170.2-1989
Amendment No. 3 to AS 1170.2-1989