FJS 1428.1 Supp 1: 1998

Design for access and mobility - General requirements for access - Buildings - Commentary (Supplement to AS 1428.1-1993)




The Standard specifies 'minimum design requirements for elements of buildings and related facilities'. The word 'minimum' used in the above statement is not meant to imply in every case that larger, or more of the same, is preferable. Rather, in relation to dimensional details, it means 'at least within the limits of size and shape specified', and with respect to required elements, 'at least the number specified'. The main design variables in the Standard are discussed under the applicable paragraphs in this Commentary.

As the height requirements for handrails, WC pans and washbasins specify a range which may not be suitable for children and adolescents, provision is made to deviate from these requirements in purpose-built facilities.


Provides additional information and background on AS 1428, Design for access and mobility, Part 1-1993, General requirements for access - Buildings. This edition varies from the 1990 edition only in that the paragraph numbers have been amended to reflect the clause numbers in the 1993 edition of AS 1428.1.

The text of
AS 1428.1 Supplement 1:1993
has been adopted as
FJS 1428.1 Supp 1: 1998
and can be sourced from
Standards Australia


The text of
FJS 1428.1 Supp 1: 1998
was developed by the
Standards Australia




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