This Standard sets out requirements for the design of buildings and facilities for access for people with disabilities. Where appropriate, these requirements are enhanced from the minimum requirements of Part 1. This Standard also includes requirements for items which are not covered in Part 1, and is intended to be used in conjunction with Part 1.
This Standard does not include requirements for the following:
(a) Buildings and facilities which are purpose-built for children with disabilities or the provision of tactile ground surface indicators (see Preface).
(b) Service areas such as plant rooms, commercial kitchens, maintenance storerooms, maintenance access ways, rigging lifts and delivery docks.
This Standard is written in a form which is suitable for use by the regulatory authorities or as a part of contract documentation. Compliance with this Standard will ensure compliance with the minimum requirements set out in AS 1428.1.
1. Additional information relating to access in kitchens and laundries is provided in Appendix A.
2. A summary of the access requirements for specific types of buildings and facilities is provided in Appendix B.
Sets out requirements for the design of buildings and facilities for access for people with disabilities. Where appropriate, these requirements are additional to the minimum requirements of AS 1428.1. Also covers requirements for buildings and facilities which are not covered in Part 1.