FJS 1530.3: 1998

Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures - Simultaneous determination of ignitability, flame propagation, heat release and smoke release




This Standard sets out a test method for the assessment of building materials and components according to:
(a) their tendencies to ignite;
(b) their tendencies to propagate flame;
(c) the heat they release once ignition has occurred; and
(d) their tendencies to release smoke.

NOTE: A guide to the interpretation of the results of this test, together with a full list of references, is given in Appendix A.


Describes a single test for grading building materials on the basis of ignition tendency, flame spread, heat development and tendency to produce smoke. Apparatus, test procedure and indices for grading are provided.

The text of
AS 1530.3-1989
has been adopted as
FJS 1530.3: 1998
and can be sourced from
Standards Australia


The text of
FJS 1530.3: 1998
was developed by the
Standards Australia



Amendment No. 1 to AS 1530.3-1989

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