FJS 1530.4: 1998

Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures - Fire-resistance tests of elements of building construction




This Standard applies to heating conditions, test procedures, and criteria for the determination of fire-resistance of an element of building construction. In most cases, a single test, carried out in accordance with this Standard, establishes the fire-resistance for the element of construction concerned. In addition to providing information on which the fire-resistance of an element of construction can be assessed, the test report includes information which may be of use to the designer. (Records of temperature at critical times may be used by a designer to assess the fire-resistance of a variant of the tested prototype flexural member where the procedure for such an assessment is defined in the appropriate design code.)

In certain cases, the test methods described herein provide information for the determination of:
(a) resistance to the incipient spread of fire through ceiling systems;
(b) safe distances for the spacing of combustible materials from elements that provide a separating function;
(c) radiant heat flux emitted from doorsets, shutter assemblies, damper assemblies and glazing; and
(d) the free cross-sectional area of air ducts to provide functional operation while providing fire-resistance.

Fire hazard assessment The results of these fire tests may be used to directly assess fire hazard, but it should be recognized that a single test method will not provide a full assessment of fire hazard under all fire conditions.
Each test shall be performed in accordance with the general requirements of Section 2 and with the following Sections, as appropriate:
(a) Section 3 - Walls and partitions.
(b) Section 4 - Floors, roofs, floor/ceiling systems and roof/ceiling systems.
(c) Section 5 - Columns.
(d) Section 6 - Beams, girders and trusses.
(e) Section 7 - Doorsets, shutter assemblies and damper assemblies.
(f) Section 8 - Glazing.
(g) Section 9 - Air ducts.
(h) Section 10 - Elements penetrated by services.

The requirements in Sections 3 to 10 shall take precedence over the general requirements of Section 2. Building Code of Australia This Standard will be referenced in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) by way of BCA Amendment No. 3 to be published by 1 July 1998, thereby superseding the previous edition of AS 1530.4-1990.


Sets out test procedures and criteria for the determination of fire-resistance of elements of building construction. Follows the basic principles and provisions contained in ISO 834:1975.

The text of
AS 1530.4-1997
has been adopted as
FJS 1530.4: 1998
and can be sourced from
Standards Australia


The text of
FJS 1530.4: 1998
was developed by the
Standards Australia




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