International Standard ISO/IEC 11801 specifies generic cabling for use within commercial premises, which may comprise single or multiple buildings on a campus. The International Standard is optimised for premises having a geographical span of up to 3 000 m, with up to 1 000 000 m2 of office space, and a population between 50 and 50 000 persons. It is recommended that the principles of this International Standard should also be applied to installations that do not fall within this range. Cabling defined by this International Standard supports a wide range of services including voice, data, text, image and video. This International Standard specifies: a) the structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling 1), b) implementation requirements, c) performance requirements for individual cabling links, and d) conformance requirements and verification procedures. Although safety (electrical, fire, etc.) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this International Standard, and may be covered by other standards and regulations, information given in this International Standard may be of assistance in meeting these requirements.
Provides building owners, managers, architects, designers, manufacturers, installers, maintainers and users, with requirements for generic cabling to ensure compatibility within commercial premises, to ensure compatibility with equipment and services and to ensure performance of infrastructure.