This Standard specifies requirements for self-drilling screws suitable for use in steel and timber, and fixing plasterboard to steel. Its primary purpose is to provide test performance data.
1. Guidance on the information that should be supplied at the time of enquiry or order is given in Appendix I.
2. Information on the determination of the compliance of a lot is given in Appendix J.
Self-drilling screws shall comply with Section 1 and with the following Sections as applicable:
Section 2 - Self-drilling screws for fixing to steel.
Section 3 - Self-drilling screws for fixing to timber.
Section 4 - Self-drilling screws for fixing plasterboard to steel.
NOTE: This Standard does not preclude the use of screws in applications other than those for which tests are specified.
Specifies requirements for self-drilling screws suitable for use in steel and timber, and for fixing plasterboard to steel. Provides information on corrosion resistance, marking, and purchasing information. Specifies dimensions, head types, and performance requirements.
1.1 Scope
ADD the following new Note:
3. This Standard covers self-drilling screws for use in the construction of roofs and to secure steel roofing sheets that will withstand cyclone conditions in the Fiji Islands. It was first adopted by the Fiji Islands Building Standards Committee in 1998 and since then remains in form.
Table 1.1
DELETE Classes 1 and 2.
DELETE third footnote and substitute:
for screws of Class 3, the full portion of the screw shall meet the requirements.
5.1.1 Testing laboratories The testing laboratories set out in the schedule to this Standard and other laboratories as from time to time approved by Chief Inspector and published in Fiji Gazette are authorised to test self-drilling screws as specified in this Standard.
5.1.2 Test certificate Conformance to this Fiji Islands Standard shall be in a form of a certificate issued by laboratories as specified in the schedule to this standard and certified by the Chief Inspector that it complies with the Standard.
5.1.3 Routine Testing The Chief Inspector shall arrange for analysis and examination to be carried out at least once in each 12 months period.
5.2.1 Sampling The Chief Inspector shall carry out at least two samplings of the products covered by this Standard in each 12 month period.
5.2.2 Metal washers Metal washers to be used with screws for securing steel roofing sheets for cyclonic conditions shall comply with the following:
(a) The grade of steel used for manufacturer for washers shall be a minimum of G250.
(b) The coating class in manufacture of steelwashers shall be a minimum of Z400 or AZ150 or a deemed equivalent coating.
(c) The coating class in manufacture for pre-painted metal washers shall be a minimum of Z300 or AZ150 or deemed equivalent coating.
(d) The thickness of metal washers shall be 1.0 mm total coated thickness or more.
(e) The metal washers shall be marked with manufacturer's brand name and for the roofing profile it shall be Used for.
(f) Metal washers shall be manufactured to be capable of meeting the minimum wind force for cyclonic requirements as determined by the Trade Standards Advisory Council from time to time.
(g) Conformance to Fiji Islands Standards shall be in a form of a certificate issued by laboratories as specified in the schedule to this Standard and certified by the Chief Inspector that it complies with the Standard.
(h) The Chief Inspector shall carry out at least two samplings of the metal washers covered by this Standard in each 12 month period.
Authorised Laboratories
Compliance Certification and Testing of Metal Washers (FJS 3566:1998)
The following are authorised laboratories for the purpose of the testing the metal washers specified in this Standard the issuing of certificates:
(a) Cyclone Testing Station
James Cook University School of Engineering
James Cook University Queensland 4811
(b) Any other National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) Certified Laboratory, approved by the Trade Standards Advisory Council on the recommendation of Chief Inspector.
Amendment No. 1 to AS 3566-1988